Promoting good governance

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To promote good governance

  • Using an approach of using community members to monitor and identify gaps hindering service delivery and accountability in government programs in the roads and health sectors in one district of Rukiga, southwestern Uganda.
  • Trained 42 community monitors in the Rukiga district
  • Used an approach of creating platforms for service users to engage duty bearers at sub-county and district levels to find solutions to community concerns like allowing some community interventions to supplement government efforts for example building toilets in some health facilities, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Created awareness among 242 community leaders about good governance and the need for improved service delivery and accountability in the roads and health sector
  • Engaged 32 district leaders in Rukiga District about concerns raised by the community and sub-counties about service delivery and accountability in the roads and health sectors.
  • Trained 80 sub-national leaders including females and the youth about monitoring government programs in the roads and health sectors
  • Run radio programs to give the public a chance to participate,  ask questions and seek more information
  • A more empowered community able to influence decision-making

Advocacy for poor, vulnerable children living with HIV:

Through HIV/TB interventions, COMEI has interacted  with many poor and vulnerable children living with HIV many of whom living with caregivers such a grand parents. These children are mobilized , go through a selection process and referred and linked to other OVC agencies that have money and other things that the children can benefit from. Six children are receiving education support from one agency and this agency will be taking 2 children for education support per year. Their caregivers together with the children receive psycho-social support at least twice a year. The children thus get the opportunity for continuing their education.


  • 42 community based monitors trained in monitoring of government programs in two sectors of roads and health in Rukiga District.
  • Number of district and community leaders trained about their roles and responsibilities in accountability and services delivery.
  • Number of Radio talk shows held to sensitize the community in improved service delivery and accountability in government programs.
  • Number of community dialogue meetings held to sensitize community members and empower them to hold leaders accountable for better service delivery and accountability in implemented government programs.