Elimination of Gender-based violence

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COMEI staff conducting a community dialogue meeting in one sub county in Rukiga District

COMEI was part of a project that worked to integrate GBV into the health systemGender based violence (GBV) was found to be a new concept in the health system and many health workers have not been exposed.  COMEI worked with a partner to introduce GBin 2016 in Hamurwa HC IV on 13/12/2016 and was facilitated by COMEI staff.

The meeting was attended by 7 members as planned. This included 2 youth (1M, 1F), 2 KPs (commercial sex workers, 1 VHT, 1 Health Assistant (that works in the community) and 1 Health Worker. The main issues discussed during the meeting included the USAID RHITES project, gender and the impact on people’s behavior, attitudes, practices and control of resources. The group also discussed the importance of the GBV Peer Support Group in the community and its roles and responsibilities that include:

  • Identifying and follow up of GBV cases in the community
  • Counseling the GBV victims and informing them about available services
  • Referring GBV cases to appropriate services that include clinical referrals such as HFs and non-clinical referrals including  the police, community development office LCs,
  • Liaising with the Health worker who is the contact person for GBV in the HF to ensure GBV cases are documented in the GBV register
  • Sensitizing the community about GBV to promote prevention and referral of cases
  • Documentation of services provided to GBV victims

The third activity was identification and referral of GBV cases to health facilities to enable them access services.GBV has many impacts on citizens mainly women and girls and has been shown to be one of te causes of low uptake of health services and other services. GBV programming is therefore being integrated into the health system.

Since 2018, COMEI has implemented a number of activities. Community dialogue meetings on SGBV awareness were held in two areas of Muhanga town council in Rukiga district and Hamurwa town council in Rubanda District. These are hotspots for key populations mainly commercial sex worker. The aim was to create awareness about SGBV, share information about services available and the need for referral of cases to health facilities and other service providers.

Community members and community leaders from the two sites shared their experiences about SGBV in their communities. These included fear to refer SGBV cases to health services especially the sexual related cases which are likely to reach courts of law; stigma and fear to be known by the community  for example in cases of sexual abuse.

The community recommended that more sensitization about SGBV and for more groups,  leaders and religious institutions as well as members of the KP community to carry out more awareness creation about SGBV. In all the health facilities, the GBV survivors were given health services mainly counseling and HIV testing for the sexual violence.


  • Number of GBV cases reported.
  • Number of Sexual and gender based violence reported.
  • Number of Community Members sensitized about GBV.
  • Number of Actions taken to integrate GBV survivors receiving health services.
  • Actions taken by the community in fighting GBV as result of COMEI sensitization which include more cases being reported to police, districts, sub-counties and Hospitals.